Seeing the Face of Christ in Those We Serve
Seeing the Face of Christ in Those We Serve
Signed in as:
A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to those in need.
.A group of Catholic men and women met in July of 2016 at St. Michael's Catholic Church to learn about the works of St. Vincent de Paul and the Society that, 400 years later, bears his name and follows his lead.
With support from St. Michael's, the Diocese of Richmond and others, we formed the first Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Richmond.
Thresa Felix, President
Kelly Harris, Vice President
Kathy Smith, Treasurer
Nancy Hally, Secretary
Deacon Andy Cirmo, Spiritual Advisor St. Michael Conference
Katrina Phillips, Past President (Ex officio)
We have a group of dedicated Vincentians, volunteer men and women, who give their time, talent and treasure to those in their hour of need and beyond through home visitations and ongoing support.
As a Vincentian, you will:
•be trained to work with those in need
•grow spiritually through this work
We gladly welcome all as each individual Vincentian brings a unique gift that can help those in need.