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Gospel: (Luke 2:41-52)
The parents of Jesus used to go every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover… and as they were returning at the end of the feast, the child Jesus remained behind unknown to his parents. Thinking he was in the party, they continued their journey for a
Gospel: (Luke 2:41-52)
The parents of Jesus used to go every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover… and as they were returning at the end of the feast, the child Jesus remained behind unknown to his parents. Thinking he was in the party, they continued their journey for a day, looking for him among their relatives. Not finding him, they returned to Jerusalem in search of him. On the third day they came upon him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. All who heard him were amazed at his intelligence and his answers. His Mother said to him” “Son, why have you done this to us? You see that your father and I have been searching for you in sorrow.” He said to them: “Why did you search for me? Did you not know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they did not grasp what he said to them.
Parenting is a great entry into the paschal mystery! Good parents spend their children’s growing up years emptying themselves of their own desires for the sake of the well-being of their children, endlessly and willingly sacrificing for them. Then, when the children are adults, parents must be willing to “let go” so that the children can be about their own business. By letting go, parents can help their children know their true identity is that they really belong to God. Thus can they find their real place in the world. Family is about relationships. A holy family is one in which their relationships include God at the center. (Living Liturgy, p.30)
Vincentian Meditation:
In his great joy Frederic wrote about his first-born, Marie, his observations proclaiming the unconscious apostolate of children, which, in God’s providence is to make parents richer and stronger spiritually. “We will begin her education early,” wrote Frederic, “and at the same time, she will begin ours; for I perceive that Heaven has sent her to us to teach us a great deal, and to make us better. I cannot look upon that face, so full of innocence and purity, without seeing the sacred impression of the Creator...How could I dare teach her lessons that I did not practice? Could God have found a kinder way of instructing me, of correcting me, of setting my feet on the road to heaven?” (Frederic Ozanam: Derum, Apostle in a Top Hat, p.186)
Opening Prayer for Society Meetings:
L: In the Name of the Father, etc.
All: Amen.
L: Come, Holy Spirit, live within our lives.
All: And strengthen us by Your Love.
L: Send forth your spirit and new life will be created.
All: And the whole face of the earth will be renewed.
L: Our Father, etc.
All: Give us this day our daily bread, etc.
Opening Prayer for Society Meetings:
L: In the Name of the Father, etc.
All: Amen.
L: Come, Holy Spirit, live within our lives.
All: And strengthen us by Your Love.
L: Send forth your spirit and new life will be created.
All: And the whole face of the earth will be renewed.
L: Our Father, etc.
All: Give us this day our daily bread, etc.
L: Let us reflect on the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ, recalling His unity and presence among us: “Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Silence)
All: Lord Jesus, deepen our Vincentian spirit of friendship during this meeting and make us responsive to the Christian calling to seek and find the forgotten, the suffering, or the deprived so that we may bring them your love. Help us to be generous with our time, our possessions, and ourselves in this mission of charity. Perfect in us your love and teach us to share more fully in the Eucharistic Sacrifice offered for all.
L: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, All: Have mercy on us.
L: Immaculate Heart of Mary, All: Pray for us.
L: St. Vincent de Paul, All: Pray for us.
L: St. Louise de Marillac, All: Pray for us.
L: Blessed Frederic Ozanam, All: Pray for us.
L: Blessed Rosalie Rendu, All: Pray for us.
L: In the Name of the Father, etc.
All: Amen.
Closing Prayer for Society Meetings:
All: Father, grant that we who are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist may realize the depth of our needs, respond more spontaneously to the suffering of others, and come to love You more deeply by service to our neighbor.
Grant us also the wisdom and strength to persevere when disappointed or distressed. May we never claim that the fruitfulness of our apostolate springs from ourselves alone. United in prayer and action, may we become a visible sign of Christ and may we give witness to His boundless love, which reaches out to all and draws them to love one another in Him.
We thank You, Lord, for the many blessings which we receive from those whom we visit. Help us to love and respect them, to understand their deeper needs, and to share their burdens and joys as true friends in Christ.
L: That the Cause for the Canonization of Frederic Ozanam, who excelled in the virtue of Christian love, be advanced.
All: Lord, hear us.
L: That our departed friends and relatives, our Vincentian Brothers and Sisters, and those whom we have served, be welcomed into your Kingdom and joined in love.
All: Lord, hear us.
L: In the Name of the Father, etc.
All: Amen.
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